The Green Crown
The Piano Tuner
Room of Red
The Carpenter’s House
The Creature by the Sea
The Dinner Guest
An Old Woman Weeds a Grave
On Hearing that the Bees are Dying Out
The Nails
The Body
Birds of Paradise
Fiddler’s Croft
Selection taken from the collection
The Green Crown
The Green Crown

The Shoreline of Falling
The Iron House
The Other Side
The 16A
First Love
Bon Voyage
Lay my Corpse
The Uncles
The Fish
Miss Johnson
Selection taken from the collection
The Shoreline of Falling
The Shoreline of Falling

My publishers Bradshaw Books have sadly stopped trading, so we’ve closed the links to their site as it is no longer possible to buy books from them.
However, I’ve added some extra poems to this page, so there’s plenty to read.